New Year’s Inspiration from the OFFBEAT Team
What is your #1 goal for your photography in 2022?
Photo by Paul Zizka.
Each new year brings us an opportunity to start fresh, set some goals, and see dreams come to fruition. To kickstart 2022, we put this question to members of our OFFBEAT Team: What is your #1 goal for your photography in 2022? Their answers are as inspiring as they are insightful, and might just prompt you to think about what you’d like to accomplish with your photography this coming year.
My #1 goal is to continue pushing my photography towards collections and small bodies of work around a creative vision/theme/story rather than just shooting a bunch of random singular images. I LOVE storytelling, and I love presenting my work in more "long-form" photography mediums, like photo essays.
My #1 goal for 2021 is to raise the bar for my own work. I want to shoot less, but with more intention. I want to be more purposeful when I come across a scene or a moment that gets me creatively excited, so that I can do the best job that I can at creating an image that I will treasure and that will resonate with my audience.
My #1 goal for my photography in 2022 is to create more work just for myself. While photography provides an income, it is also a passion and a hobby for me, so I hope to create more work in 2022 that feeds my own creative soul a bit more (in addition to shooting for others). This includes a film photography project that I hope to start in the New Year.
I have developed a bit of a pandemic laziness that has kept me home much more than I would like to admit. I have developed a habit of watching too much YouTube about photography and spending too much time on Instagram looking at what others are doing when I should be more focused on better priorities. I want to create much more work in 2022 and will focus on regaining the motivation to explore much more often. This desire to regain focus on my own photography includes many years of unedited backlog images and archiving full-resolution files in Flickr, Smugmug, and printed Blurb books.
Release my print shop is my number one for next year!
My #1 goal for 2022 is to be more intentional in taking on projects and opportunities that inspire me, carving out time for my own personal projects, and saying no to things that I don’t align with or don’t feed my creativity.
I have quite a few goals for 2022, both on the creative and business side of things. The goal at the top of my list is business-related. In 2022 I would love to create a new photo product. I think as photographers it’s important to print our images or see it in another tangible form, rather than solely online. I’ve produced prints in the past but would like to expand to offer something like an annual calendar or greeting cards next year.
My number one goal for photography in 2022 is to finish, not perfect, more things. Becoming more aware of a tendency of being too concerned with calculating every creative and professional move for its effect rather than its purpose. Though I suppose keeping myself and my gear out of frigid saltwater is high on the goal list as well.
What goals do you have for 2022?
Let us know in the comments!