Travelling to the Faroe Islands with OFFBEAT completely blew my mind! I feel so incredibly grateful to have experienced such a raw and remote location, it made me feel alive like no other place I've been. Travelling in a small group with likeminded people means I now have friends for life, bonded over shared experiences. Dave and Paul provided a safe workshop, but one filled with adventure and spontaneity, unlike any other tour on the market. Their eagerness to share their passions of photography and travel culminate in a truly unique trip that photographers of any level can enjoy. I highly recommend this trip if you're into wild, waterfall-filled landscapes, laughter, amazing food and company, and memories that will last a lifetime.

-S. Kempner

OFFBEAT Photography

OFFBEAT is a cutting-edge photo community that helps photographers push themselves creatively through meaningful online interaction, web-based resources and photo workshops held in some of the world’s wildest places.
