OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


Travelling to the Faroe Islands with OFFBEAT completely blew my mind! I feel so incredibly grateful to have experienced such a raw and remote location, it made me feel alive like no other place I've been. Travelling in a small group with likeminded people means I now have friends for life, bonded over shared experiences. Dave and Paul provided a safe workshop, but one filled with adventure and spontaneity, unlike any other tour on the market. Their eagerness to share their passions of photography and travel culminate in a truly unique trip that photographers of any level can enjoy. I highly recommend this trip if you're into wild, waterfall-filled landscapes, laughter, amazing food and company, and memories that will last a lifetime.

-S. Kempner

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


You inspire people to really experience the world each and every day, whether in our backyard or 40 hours by air away. From the tiniest birds we photographed to meeting someone 6'9" like Max or the little things like getting up at 5am each day to catch the light or enjoying a quick tea time with Robson, it was all truly amazing and motivating. Although I call it a trip of a lifetime right now, I know there are so many opportunities to keep the trips of a lifetime coming and I thank you both for that!

-S. Parker

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


Traveling with Offbeat to Mongolia was one of my favorite trips I have ever taken! Paul and Curtis were excellent instructors, they were always inspiring me to try new concepts and techniques. I feel like I became a better photographer after this trip! The Mongolian crew were some of the happiest, most friendly people I have met. It was Offbeat, the Mongolian Expeditions and all of the participants that made this a trip to remember.

-L. Olson

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“I've done four OFFBEAT trips so far—all to spots that I never thought I'd see. And I will keep coming back. The quality of the experiences, the photography, and the people are without peer.”

-B. Dodge

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“Attending this workshop turned into a key moment in my life and one that I will forever remember. The camaraderie, generosity of time and spirit that was shared among the leaders, photographers and the models were very impressive and added to an extremely rewarding experience. Not only are the leaders of OFFBEAT very good photographers, they are very, very good people and yes, I definitely plan on attending future OFFBEAT workshops.”

-M. Ricco

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“The knowledge, enthusiasm and sheer passion that Dave Brosha and Paul Zizka have for their workshops is so genuine and infectious to the rest of the group. These guys are just so openly giving with their teaching and coaching. I truly believe they want everyone to succeed as photographers and artists. I hear this all the time from so many people who have had the chance to spend any amount of time with them.”


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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


I was looking for a photography community and HERE IT IS WITH OFFBEAT! I was welcomed right into the group and found support and friendship and fun. I also found positivity and creative energy on a fantastic adventure. Dave and Paul are excellent teachers, guides, and now friends. I recommend OFFBEAT to anyone! I can't wait for the next one!

-L. Trivett

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“I felt the level of collaboration and support among the participants was exceptional and so was the size of the group. It is easier to hide in bigger groups when I feel insecure with my skills and talent. The content was timely, appropriate and exceedingly well organized. The facilitators’ presentation skills were exceptional. The teaming works well. I came away with a little more confidence and a lot more knowledge.”

-J. Lyall

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“Without a doubt, they have been the highlights of my photographic learning. Paul and Dave's passion for and knowledge of the art of photography inspired me to continue learning, to experiment and to be fully awake to the beauty of nature and capturing it in its finest moments.“

-B. Pryce

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OFFBEAT Photography OFFBEAT Photography


“One of the coolest things about an OFFBEAT workshop is that you are embarking on an adventure with good friends. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the group or to a workshop, you’re gonna make friends and have a fantastic experience. Dave, Paul and other OFFBEAT leaders have a special knack for working with people... they are open, sharing, warm, and friendly. They work with you to get the images you want, in the world’s wild and beautiful places.”

-J. Handforth

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